<aside> 👋 Hey I’m **frontend, backend and mobile dev.

Frontend:** React, Vue3, TypeScript, Material UI, Yandex Maps v3, Next.js, Sass, Webpack

Backend: Node.js, Docker, Grafana, Flask, Django, Postgres, Redis, MongoDB, Nginx, Supabase. Mobile: Webview (Cordova, Capacitor), React Native Gamedev: C#, unity.

Telegram: https://t.me/Fedechka Github: https://github.com/fede4ka1245 Email: [email protected]



Frontend Developer at Yandex

Frontend Developer at Adventure Club

Frontend dev at Archa Service

My OpenSource Libraries

🗺️ ymaps3-components

ymaps3-components is a library that can easily and quickly add Yandex Maps (v3.0) React components to your project via a simple import.

🗃️ manage-external-storage

manage-external-storage is a library for React Native to manage external storage permissions, allowing you to create, read, and update all files on an Android device.

🖼️ capacitor-gallery

capacitor-gallery is a plugin designed to grab assets from the iOS/Android device filesystem. Built for a Cordova-like framework called Capacitor.